Monday, Wednesday, Friday
I don’t know if any of you have noticed or not, but I’m trying to post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. That’s because I’ve heard that people value consistency over quality, which is fortunate for me since I’m not exactly sparkling with gems of wisdom here. Then again, it’s not like I have a whole lot to say, either.
So does it matter if I post three times a week or not? If not, maybe I’ll drop down to once or twice a week. Whaddaya say? Inquiring mind wants to know…
March 11th, 2009 at 9:51 am
I, personally, prefer quality over quantity =).
March 11th, 2009 at 11:55 am
I think you’re right about the consistency thing Mach. It’s one of the reasons Twitter is doing so well. People want to hear what’s up. Some of the posts I enjoyed the most are the random ones about cats or Osaka.
Then there’s also people that come here for quality. Like maybe 1 quality post a week would suffice.
Im questioning what you will be writing about if you do drop to once or twice a week. Writing on a developer blog is indeed difficult since there’s not much to write about.
Hmm.. I think you should somehow use your iPhone to blog on the go so it would be easy to take down your thoughts and/or take a pic.
We of course dont want you to sit down with your computer and be forced to come up with something.
For topics.. I suggest: iPhone, apps, code, work, pixar, inspiration, creativity.
P.S. This is one of the blogs that I follow the most because you combine some of my favorite stuff: Apple, computer, iPhone, Pixar, art. YAY
March 11th, 2009 at 12:45 pm
I agree with Harry, I enjoy reading the posts that are off topic.
If your finding it hard to think of something to write 3 times a week, just write a whole bunch of posts in advance, when ever they come to you, and post them when you don’t have anything iPhone related to talk about. I believe there are even way to automate the posts. All you do I write a bunch of thoughts and it can be posted like clockwork.
I always love to hear more about what you get up to at Pixar, im guessing you cant talk about much, and from next week you’ll have even less to talk about.
March 11th, 2009 at 8:10 pm
Yeah, I can’t talk about work much but I actually automate most of the posts in advance. Well, not that much in advance. Mostly, like, the night before…
March 12th, 2009 at 1:48 am
Ya you can definitely drop it to once a week. Id just like to say that anything you want to share with us, whether it be a photo, drawing, or code is completely welcome. I guess it gives us understanding and insight of your werx..