The Season of Giving
Friday, December 25th, 2009I love this time of year because it’s a chance to get together with friends and family that I don’t get to see during the rest of the year. And as a kid, Christmas was great because we got presents! My favorite were Legos and Transformers. But now that I’m an adult, I find that I have enough stuff, as do most of my friends. In fact, I have more stuff than I have space for that stuff (although, that might be a function of living in the Bay Area). So instead, I like to purchase gifts that don’t take up much space (like iPhone apps!) or are perishable (like chocolate!). But the other thing I like to do is donate to a worthwhile charity. A couple of our favorites are Doctors without Borders and Heifer International.
So in the spirit of this season, I’m combining those ideas and donating 10% of all my iPhone app sales (Mach Dice, Holograms, and Boom Dice) between Christmas and the end of the year to Heifer International, a charity that lets you purchase sustainable gifts of livestock to families in need all across the world. Now, my app sales numbers are actually pretty modest but the week after Christmas can be twice as big as other weeks so hopefully, it’ll lead to a purchase of a couple flocks of ducks or something nice like that.
So if you happen to purchase one of my apps between Christmas and the end of 2009, not only do I thank you but some very grateful family out there in the world also thanks you. Merry Christmas!