Of my three apps (Mach Dice, Boom Dice, and Holograms), Mach Dice is the biggest seller. People really like rolling the dice… =) Holograms consistently sells about seven units a day. But Monday saw 16 sales of Holograms. It was a bit curious, so I checked my website logs. Normally, I get about 60 visitors a day. But on Monday, I had 180 visitors. (Greetings, new visitors!)
So I checked through the logs and noticed quite a few referrals from twitter. The links weren’t specific, they were things like http://twitter.com because people just use the main page to read their own feeds. But with a little searching, I found the trail of twitterings that lead people to the site. First there was BestSecrets (28 followers) at 7:04 am on August 5:
Virtual Holograms in the iPhone: Ok… it’s not actually real holograms, but if you want an App to show off you .. http://bit.ly/6FMyt
Then there was Apple Tweets (13,709 followers) at 3:00 am a few days later, August 10:
Covert your photos on your iPhone into Holograms with – Holograms 1.0 for the iPhone … http://bit.ly/2vSF6n
That kicked off a couple of retweets: tec_y_man (72 followers) at 4:11 am, lansulaiman (31 followers) at 5:57 am, IanYorston (283 followers) at 11:10 am. Nothing earth-shattering, but it was neat seeing the trail of twitters. Speaking of which, you should follow me on twitter here.
(Okay, honestly, my twitter isn’t really all that fascinating. I just included that last bit as an experiment.)