Hey, we’re back from three weeks in Mumbai, India! It was quite an experience but I have to say it’s great to be back. The last few days have been a blur as we spent over 30 hours in transit getting back (taxi to wrong airport, rickshaw to correct airport, flight to New Delhi, bus to international airport, flight to Chicago, shuttle to domestic airport, flight to Bay Area, and finally shuttle to home) and then a wrap party for Up (this might be the sleep deprivation talking but wow, I felt like I was actually inside the movie while I was watching it).
I was hoping to blog about the trip while I was there but couldn’t get a reliable internet connection so that’ll have to wait for some other time. But like I said, it was quite an experience. The weather was incredibly hot and humid (I’d be drenched in sweat after walking a couple blocks and I don’t tend to sweat much). The food was amazing (I love Indian food out here in the San Francisco Bay Area, but it’s even better in India). The people were interesting. Oddly, I got stared at more than Tracy. I think I might have been the first Asian person some of them had ever seen in real life. There’s also an incredible amount of poverty everywhere. Actually, there’s just an incredible number of people everywhere.
You tend to see a lot of Indian people here in the Bay area, especially in industries like tech and medicine. It might make you think that Indians are particularly suited to those things. But it’s not really that. It’s the fact that there are over a billion people in India. If you took the best 30% of programmers in India, you’d have more programmers than there are in the entire United States. The Indians you see in the US are the ones that were so good at what they were doing that they could make it in a completely foreign country.
Okay, I think I’m going to go and sleep for the next two days…