Chasing the Sun

I’ll write some more next time about the fantastic time I had in Moscow (thanks to Sergei, Eugene, and Sergei!) once I’ve recovered from the phenomenal jet lag that I’m starting to hit. Moscow’s time zone is 11 hours apart from San Francisco Bay Area’s and I just had a couple days in Moscow which is juuuuuust about enough to start getting used to the new time zone when I had to come back.

I’m still in Chicago right now, awaiting my flight back to San Francisco. But one of the neat things about my last flight was that I left at 3pm and arrived around 5pm. So the whole plane ride over, it was like the plane was chasing the sun in the distance. Surreal.

5 Responses to “Chasing the Sun”

  1. Sergei K Says:

    Thank you so much for your great presentation!
    приезжайте ещё!!!

  2. Mach Says:

    Спасибо! Is this Sergei from A-VFX who translated for me? If so, great job. Thank you and I hope I can come again.

  3. Sergey Says:

    No, it wasn’t me.

    But thanks, Mach!
    It was so interesting for me!

  4. Strannik Says:

    Thank you for your report.
    It is very informative.
    I particularly liked the part dealing with light, shadows and camera dof.

    Thank you!

  5. Arkady Says:

    thank you very much for “opening my eyes” on some critical aspects of Virtual DOP tasks.

    Next day after your presentation I’ve initiated developing The Real Camera tools in my studio…