Holograms in France!
Earlier this week, French website Le Vide Poches (“The Empty Pockets”?) wrote an article about my Holograms app:
L’idée est fort astucieuse, elle permet d’avoir une vraie/fausse 3D sur son iPhone. Vraie/fausse ? Je m’explique.
Unfortunately, my high school French never evolved beyond the level of “Le poisson est sur la table.” So I couldn’t read it myself. But Google Translate provided a pretty good translation:
The idea is very clever, it provides a true / false 3D on his iPhone. True / false? Let me explain.
And it looks like they liked it! =)
September 4th, 2009 at 9:01 am
a ‘vide-poches’ is a bowl/plate/etc. where you can deposit objects typically kept in your pockets… it’s a ‘to-empty-your-pockets’
September 4th, 2009 at 9:09 am
Oh, that makes *much* more sense. Thanks for the insight!