House of Air

Last weekend, one of my friends had a birthday party at a trampoline park, The House of Air in San Francisco. It’s a big indoor space that’s filled with trampolines. We spent a couple hours jumping around and doing all sorts of crazy flips and stuff.

Well … that’s what I thought I was going to do. But jumping on trampolines is hard. So mostly, I jumped up and down for ten minutes at a time and then collapsed into heaps of exhaustion. Oh, we also played trampoline dodgeball, which is kinda like regular dodgeball except that you’re flying.

2 Responses to “House of Air”

  1. judi Says:

    Tramping is definitely major aerobics! I grew up on a trampoline. It was actually my mom’s, who grew up tumbling and diving and talked my dad into buying her one. She took lessons, and could do double layouts with twists, one after another. When I did gymnastics in high school, I could do double tucks but never mastered twisting. Once you learn the basics about driving your legs into the mat and keeping your center of gravity over your feet, tramping becomes a lot easier.

  2. Trampolines Says:

    It is wonderful place to have party. It is shame that Melbourne doesn’t have one. Maybe I should convince the boss to build one, so I take advantage of it from job. LOL