The End of Google Video

Waaaay back in the day, in the year 2006, I shot a little video called “Mach Attempts a Blue Run” wherein I attempted to snowboard down an intermediate run — not particularly hard, but I’m even worse at snowboarding than I at trotti biking or motorcycling (warning, graphic sausage foot video content).

Anyways, I hosted the video on Google Video and haven’t thought about it much since. But I recently got notice that they’re shutting the service down. Fortunately, they emailed us on how to download the videos. Unfortunately, the instructions were wrong. There’s supposed to be a download link, but it doesn’t show up on all the videos. Fortunately, I found a way to download them anyways. Basically, copy the link that you’d use to edit the video, like this:

And then replace “EditVideoInfo” with “DownloadVideo”, like this:

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