Dyson’s First Pumpkin Carving
Thursday, October 30th, 2014
We have a family tradition of carving pumpkins that started with my dad. This year, Dyson joined in and carved his very first pumpkin! I helped cut out the top plug but he drew the face, scooped it out, and cut the rest of it out all by himself. I thought I’d have to step in at some point since he’s only 4 but he just kept going at it until he was done. He even fell asleep holding on to it in the car ride home.
My dad passed away years before Dyson was born but I still tell him about my dad. Sometimes I get a little sad that they never met. Dyson once said, “I think he would have loved me.” Yeah, Dyson, he would have. And he would have loved your little pumpkin.
Oh, I also carved a pumpkin, but it’s not nearly as cute as the one he did: