Happy Holidays!
Every year, my brother does an amazing Christmas card from his family. He takes a beautiful SLR camera photo of them and uses image editing software to put in “Merry Christmas” somewhere so that it looks like it’s actually part of the background.
I don’t know how he does it. I barely have the energy to snap a vaguely Christmas themed shot of my kid. But I did find this neat website that takes that hastily taken photo and turn it into an interactive holiday card. It starts with a circle and then you swipe or drag across it to split it into smaller circles. Continue until you reveal the picture. You can click on any of the images below to try it out yourself:

You can do the same thing with any image on the web by typing in “http://koalastothemax.com/?<YOUR_URL_HERE>” into a web browser. For example, here’s what I used to get the link above for this source image.