Global Variables vs. Singletons
As I was working on my settings view last night, I stumbled across the wikipedia entry on singletons. I had planned on creating a global settings view variable for all my other views to access. But I was concerned that the settings view might not be allocated at the right time or become deallocated. Using the singleton was a much better approach because it allowed me to explicitly control the initialization.
September 19th, 2008 at 8:46 am
I have no idea what any of that means, but I like Wikipedia too.
Keep up the good work.
September 20th, 2008 at 3:11 pm
Singleton is one of the most used design patterns, if not the most.
You should take a look at the others, it’s really interesting.
Ps: F*ck off iPod Dictionnary. Humm. Sorry.