Author Archive

Second Person Perspective

Monday, November 15th, 2010

Do you know what second person perspective is? Read Chapter 5 of Telsa 2010 to find out.

We Have it (Relatively) Easy

Friday, November 12th, 2010

A friend at work recently had her second baby and I was asking her how she managed with two kids at once when I was struggling with just the one. She chuckled and said that it’s more that you don’t realize how easy you had it when you only have one kid.

I thought about it and yeah, I guess it is pretty easy. I mean, sure, we’re getting less sleep than usual and yes, I feel like I’m constantly washing dishes or changing diapers. On the other hand, Tracy and I can pass the baby back and forth between us and get other stuff done. So I’m trying to take a moment to appreciate that we have it pretty good. Especially compared to my other co-worker who just recently had triplets.

Also, here’s Chapter 4 of the theoretical novel that I don’t have enough time to actually write in a month, but do have enough time to write about writing.

Make a Wish

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

Recently, I was fortunate enough to be involved in a Make a Wish Foundation event. It’s a wonderful organization dedicated to fulfilling the wishes of children with serious medical conditions. The kids get a lot out of having their dreams come true but it was also incredibly rewarding for me to be a part of bringing so much joy to one very special young person and her incredible family. Check out the organization, they do great work!

(Although, I have to say … if I were getting a wish, I think it’d be for a unicorn or something. Just sayin’.)

In other news, here’s Chapter 3 of Tesla 2010 wherein Nikola Tesla finally makes it to the year 2010.

At Least She Let Me Down Easy

Monday, November 8th, 2010

So, on Friday morning, the phone rings. Tracy answers it and it’s for me. I’m about to head out the door when she stops me with the words, “It’s someone from Apple, and they want to talk to you.” I take the call.

Sadly, it was a woman from the app review process to tell me that even after resubmission and a note from me explaining why I wanted the app to be so simple, they were still rejecting Starfield 3D because they felt it didn’t have enough functionality. I was bummed about that, but it was nice that they actually called. I guess it’s back to the drawing board.

On a different note, here’s Chapter 2 of Tesla: 2010. If I were giving chapters names, this one would be called “Mysterious Stranger”.

Meta-NaNoWriMo: Tesla 2010

Friday, November 5th, 2010

Okay, there’s no way I’m going to be able to write a 50,000 word novel this month between a full time job and a new baby. I mean, my wife needs me to help take care of that baby and I can’t just bail out on that. Those diapers aren’t going to change themselves, you know. (Or are they? … Wait, what? No, that’s crazy … that’s the sleep deprivation talking.)

But then I was thinking, I could attempt to write 5,000 words about me writing a 50,000 word novel in a month. Think of it as a meta-NaNoWriMo, if you will — a fictionalized account of the totally awesome novel I would have written this month if only I had the time. So I present to you Chapter 1 from Tesla 2010.

To Write or Not To Write

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010

It’s NaNoWriMo time again! Over a hundred thousand people around the world are attempting to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November. I participated last year and it was a lot of fun. So, do I participate again this year?

On the one hand, I already have a basic idea that I think would be interesting. On the other … I have a baby. Where the heck am I going to find the time? I mean, I barely have time to finish this blog po–

Pot Brownies

Monday, November 1st, 2010

So … I was at this party once and this woman came wandering over with a big tupperware container of something. Then she opened the container and said, “pot brownie?”

Now, I didn’t know what a pot brownie was but I figured it was something like pot roast or pot stickers and I love brownies … maybe they were brownies cooked in a pot? I don’t know. So I enthusiastically said, “Sure!”, grabbed one and shoved it in my mouth.

Now … okay, yeah, it did taste a little funny, kinda herby, but I figured that’s what happens when you make brownies in a pot. Or something. Then I heard the woman go to the next group and say, “marijuana brownie?” and I was like, “mari-whuaaah?”

So I discretely spit out the brownie into a napkin and eventually disposed of it. Not that I have anything against recreational drugs but they do tend to lower inhibitions and if there’s one thing I don’t need less of, it’s inhibitions. And that is the story of how I chewed but did not ingest marijuana.

Anyways, here in California, we’re about to vote on Proposition 19 which would legalize marijuana. Seeing as how the majority of my readers are in California (hi Mom and Tracy!) I just wanted to voice my support of it, even though I personally don’t use marijuana because I feel that the cost of prosecution and incarceration far outweighs and costs of legalization.

Baby Pumpkin

Friday, October 29th, 2010

We have a family tradition of carving pumpkins for Halloween. I wasn’t planning on doing one this year because, hey, I have a baby. That’s pretty much my response to anything these days. (“Wanna go check out that movie?” “I’d love to, but I have a baby.”)

But then Tracy surprised me by getting me a cute little pumpkin. So I decided to try to carve something cute and a little terrifying at the same time. And yes, the thought of a crying baby can be terrifying … especially at 4am after a long week of sleep deprivation.

Babies and Cats

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

Over the past few months, I’ve noticed a number of similarities between babies and cats:

  • both weigh about 18 pounds
  • both cry piteously if not fed in time
  • both get into things they really shouldn’t get into
  • both are very cute

Babies, however, do not always land on their feet when you drop them.


Monday, October 25th, 2010

Apple just rejected my latest iPad app, Starfield 3D, because “Apps that are not very useful or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected”.

This is one of the hardest parts of being an iPhone developer, the possibility that all your efforts and creativity may never see the light of day because someone else doesn’t like it. That’s true of a lot of things in life — so much depends on whether others see the same potential that you see. So when something like this happens, you have to choose between getting discouraged or pushing on and hoping for better next time. Right now, it’s a little hard not to feel discouraged, but I think I’ll keep trying eventually.

But hey, if you’d like to see this app on the iPad, please comment on the YouTube video. Maybe if there are enough comments, Apple would be convinced that there’s a market for this sort of thing.